Die Rückseiten der Werbewelt zeigen Rohbauten, Set-Aufkleber und Menschen wie humanoide Artefakte im schattigen Ungewissen. Die Maschinerie der fotografischen Produktion des Perfekten folgt dabei Textbausteinen der Werbeindustrie, die in Form schlichter Reihungen Stimmungsklischees generieren. Faulhaber zeigt mit seiner Arbeit Catalogue das dürre Gerüst auf, das den Schein des Schönen am künstlichen Leben hält.

< Principal purpose of the pictures: the pure fun and enjoyment that only a child’s face can show. This is unique to us. We recommend dental gaps, freckles, plaits, messed-up hair etc. They must be real. Wherever possible, reinforce the childish look (the viewer feels nostalgia/warmth/etc.). Age of children = target group ABC / everyone etc. Gender = alternated naturally, depending on the type of child e.g. for a natural motif a red-haired girl is often better suited than a dark-haired boy etc. On motifs: the child’s outfit – depending on how much of it is to be seen – should always strongly echo the different motifs. The different motifs: Autumnal Motif: splashes of water; raindrops (advertisement may place children within drops in final layout; think huge soap bubbles); rain cape and cap; Autumn leaves (perhaps children sit on the leaves, hover/glide along on the wind like Aladdin on his carpet). Summer Motif: child with diving goggles on forehead; sunflowers; flowers in hair; cute little dress; blissful, sun-kissed (though no sunburn – always adequate protection – cancer etc.); T-shirt or in bathing suit; daisy chains on arms? Winter Motif: Snowflakes (children within large ice- and snow-crystals); Winter cap and scarf; Child looks slightly upwards, into the snow, seeing something – important: remember there is never a background; the child is standing alone, a strong focus on the face, seeing something we cannot (the face must have the

< Reduction to essentials: less is more. No troubled or restless backgrounds. Brutally simple. < We need pictures with people, people and more people – women and men, families, group pictures, teenagers, even senior citizens. There must be no “nobody” pictures. The motifs should be alive, vivid, animated. We have to tell a story. Put the people in action: they should tell the story that way. < Friendly and emotional people: lots of positive charisma and individuality. Think of your heroes (either today or childhood – maybe think more of childhood). < People in typical or unconventional everyday life situations. What is real life all about? Not too predictable or outrageous. < A general tendency in picture language today is towards security and home-building (at a premium), feeling good, friendship and relaxing and cuddling in pleasant company; vacation and leisure time with friends or others. We should use this. < Young people and teenagers in all life situations: first love; flirting; puberty (though we are not acne cream); consequences (positive as well as negative – life’s lessons); dancing; having fun; cool hanging out; sport and games (cycling, skateboarding, fun sports – nothing too edgy); pocket money; on the way to school; school in general: cheating, in the playground, writing notes, what that time of life does to you; first cigarette, perhaps (or perhaps not, but that feeling); mobile phone; making phone calls / writing SMS (Facebook?); making ma

Catalogue, Kunst-/Fotoband, 26 × 35 cm, 76 Seiten, Drittel Books Verlag, 2014